Agricultural Consulting and Systems Design
HOSCO has worked closely with the St. Louis Science Center for 2 years to teach sustainable agriculture to youth and provide them with a greater understanding about the importance of local food production. Students have learned how to build and maintain aquaponic systems as well as soil management and entrepreneurship.
HOSCO is currently working as a lead agricultural consultant on the St. Louis Science Center's new farm exhibit Grow opening this summer in 2016. Our work includes crop selection greenhouse and growing systems design, in addition to curriculum development for public programs.
Agricultural Education - Greenhouse Management
HOSCO has been working with St. Louis Public Schools to teach plant science and agricultural techniques like plant propagation and entrepreneurial food production training to not only high school students but has also held nutrition classes for many parents to help them understand what's in their food and where it comes from. Learning about the food system has been an empowering experience for some of the parents, they have taken steps to live more sustainably and produce food themselves to help lower their food costs while generating supplemental income for their family.
Agriculinary & Entrepreneurship Training
HOSCO has teamed up with Saint Louis University (SLU) department of Dietetics and Nutrition to offer an agricultural culinary program to help individuals that have met with economic hardhip and job loss back on their feet. Through the program individuals will participate in a 10 week agriculture training program with HOSCO and a 5 week culinary training program with SLU. Individuals that complete the program will receive a sustainable agriculture certificate as well as a ServSafe certification. Placement will follow with one of several local fine dining restaurants and catering companies like Butler's Pantry, Bixby's History Museum, KMSSA, or the Missouri Athletic Club.
Job Training and Apprenticeship Program
If you have lost your job and are currently experiencing economic hardship, This is the perfect time to learn a new skill that could help start you with a new career. We work closely with Better Family Life to help you recreate yourself by learning a new trade. HOSCO currently offers agricutural and food related training but will soon be adding several other job training programs like graphic design, advertising, computer programming, animation and game development. Don't feel you have to settle with whatever job you come across. Take charge of your life by taking the time to learn a new skill and create a new future for yourself.
Youth Training
HOSCO taught students from Normandy school district on building aeroponic and Hydroponic systems to overcome soil born contamniates, like lead and mecury, which is present in 70% of the soil in St. Louis. With these skills students were able to build their own systems and began selling their own systems to generate income for their families as well. We are happy that we could provide them with the skills needed to not only grow produce for their families but also provide them with a means to supplement family income and even serve as a catalyst for stimulating their entrepreneural spirit.
Job Training/Retail Sales
Local Harvest has been very supportive of HOSCO over the past few years. We began selling our flagship product "Kurbiskernol" or pumpkin seed oil there and have expanded to microgreens and will soon feature grab and go meals beginning early next year. We look forward to a long lasting relationship with Local Harvest and have began exploring the potential for job training within their cafe for individuals looking to learn how to manage a restaurant or even just learn new culinary skills.
Local food Delivery
HOSCO has teamed up with Green Bean Delivery to offer its Micro Green product that is now available for delivery straight to your home through one of their weekly grocery bins.
Look for more collaborations between us and Green Bean as we work towards improving the food system through nutritional health programs and classes within the St. Louis Public Schools.
Agricultural Training
HOSCO is working directly with the Missouri Botanical Garden to teach mushroom growing and a series of other public educational based programs that will help you get started in joining the local food movement by becoming a local producer of mushrooms, vegetables and even fish. Learn how to grow and build these systems.
Check with MoBot for a local listing of classes being offered.